8 years in GA

 Hello everyone!

My name is Heidy Fernandez and from Guatemala, Im 24 years old, and I have 3 siblings, Julian my brother is 13, Zoe is 7, and my baby sister Sofia is 3 years old. Im the oldest one. I came to this country 8 years ago. I live with my parents and my siblings. My experience being in a different country was very hard. Specially for the language. I barely knew English in Guatemala, but I started learning English when I was in high school. Now I love being in this country with a lot of opportunities. I have 2 jobs. Well one of my jobs is my hobby, I work in a christian  radio station in the mornings from 7am-11am and in the afternoons I'm a seller. I sell soft water systems. In the radio station I have been working there for a mont and in the sells department I have 4 years. I love my sells job, I consider myself as a good seller. 

Now one of my big goals is to finish college and finish my degree, Business Management.  Also to buy a house, a new car. But everything step by step.


  1. I love and respect your goals, do not stop for anyone. Make your dreams a reality. :)


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